Free Cooling Box

Free Cooling Box

Save energy while cooling your data center with Free Cooling System!


CoolAer Free Cooling Box is a versatile cooling technology frequently used in the Telecom industry. In most climates, CoolAer Free Cooling Box can provide complete temperature regulation for electronic enclosures, radio base stations, base stations hosting 5G, LTE, UMTS, and GSM networking equipment, and similar applications. In warmer climates, and for data centers, power supply rooms, and hybrid telecom sites, our Free Cooling Box units can be combined with CRAC and CRAH units to provide total heat mitigation while lowering costs.

How CoolAer Free Cooling Boxes Work?
Instead of mechanically cooling a refrigerant through vapor and compression processes, Free Cooling Boxes are designed to use the naturally low temperature of outdoor air to help cool the interior of buildings.

Because they don’t use electrical energy to compress and condense refrigerants, Free Cooling Systems are both economical and environmentally friendly solutions. They only use electrical energy to drive fans and pumps that circulate the naturally cooled air and water through the system. This lowers operational costs, capital expenditures, and maintenance needs.

But more than that, when Free Cooling Systems are used in combination with traditional CRAC and CRAH units, the site’s dependence on industrial cooling is limited to only those times when the outside temperatures are too high for the Free Cooling System to function. This increases the working life of CRAC and CRAH systems, while also lowering their operational costs.

Free Cooling Systems are also included in the design of a site’s air conditioning and regulation as an added redundancy to traditional AC solutions. In a hybrid system, if something happens to the main temperature control unit, the Free Cooling Box will automatically kick in. When the interior temperature rises to a set point, the Free Cooling System will begin operating at its maximum cooling capacity to ensure that systems maintain 100% uptime and don’t overheat.

Due to their low energy needs, Free Cooling Boxes can operate on battery backup power. This helps ensure that, in the event of a main power failure, temperature regulation and site operations are maintained.

*  In cases where the Freecooling box is not working, the damper can automatically close itself.

*  It has the ability to command another device.

*  It has a design structure suitable for both indoor and outdoor models.

*  EC radial fan technology is used.

*  There are two filtration parts: G2 and G3 filter.

*  Fans operate at variable speed according to the need.

*  If there is a fault with the control card and sensors in the system, the device can work with manual mode.

*  After the power is cut off, when the energy comes back, it can automatically activate and continue its task.

*  Devices can be monitored remotely via a web interface.

*  Software updates can be made both over the device and remotely.

*  At least 25 alarm log records can be kept.

*  Dirty filter and faulty fan alarm can be received.

*  Ethernet Port
*  Manual Mode
*  In-Room Humidity Sensor
*  Remote On-Off
*  SNMP Module
*  Web Interface

*  Catalog

*  Datasheet

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